Selecting the right cross-platform framework is crucial for ensuring efficient development cycles, optimal performance, and scalability. Among the leading choices—Flutter, React Native, and Xamarin—each offers unique advantages and considerations that developers and businesses must carefully weigh. CloudOwl Flutter: Uniting Performance and Productivity Pros: Cons: React Native: Leveraging Familiarity and Flexibility Pros: Cons: Xamarin: Power and […]
Testing plays a pivotal role in ensuring that applications meet high standards of functionality, usability, and performance across various devices and platforms. However, navigating the complexities of mobile app testing presents numerous challenges. Developers and QA teams must effectively address these to deliver a flawless user experience. This blog explores common challenges encountered during app […]
The rapid evolution of technology continues to reshape our world, bringing forth new opportunities and challenges. As we navigate 2024, understanding the key trends driving technological advancements is crucial for professionals and businesses alike. Here are four pivotal technology trends to keep an eye on this year. CloudOwl AI-Generated Content Artificial intelligence is transforming the […]
The cost of app development can vary significantly depending on a number of factors, including the complexity of the app, the number of features and integrations, and the development team you choose to work with. Here are some general estimates to give you an idea of how much app development might cost: It’s important to […]
We have worked with Jackson Fisk to build his health and safety management software, over the last several years. An expert in the safety management space, his software as a service takes the next step in providing both automated and service support. We’re happy to announce the launch of the new Goal Zero website! Safety […]
We worked with Jonathon Gold to build his client onboarding and management software, after being abandoned by a previous developer. His broad experience includes securities analysis and research, reporting to several major Canadian pension funds. Put Your Investments In Good Hands As a registered portfolio manager Gold Investment Management Ltd. will take responsibility for making all the […]
Another step into the AgriTech sector. We worked with Trevor Scherman and Megan Madden on this project. Trevor is very passionate about technology as it relates to the agriculture industry. The goal on his farm is to produce the highest rate of return from a small land base and he enables many facets of technology […]
Our first foray into the FoodTech / AgriTech sector. Our partner, Alyson Schill, has been a beacon for helping those in need and is extraordinary knowledgeable in the food donation and rescue industry. Careit is a food donation marketplace that matches any organization with extra edible food to a nearby nonprofit. Nonprofits find donations in […]
Keeping the App rollouts going! Launched DebtorX for Global Debt Technologies! Thank you Shane Corriveau & Justin Thibeault for taking us on this journey with you. DebtorX matches creditors with collection options. Someone owe you money? Get paid! Read more at Check out the app we built at Since the start of our partnership, Benjamin (Founder & CEO) has been […]
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